On 11th of December 2019, PiNA will finally launch their Social Innovators HUB (SI HUB)!
It will bring together educational events, meetings and spatial cooperation.
Since we want the SI HUB to become a community space, we will, together with local organizations and institutions, open space to various topics, and at the same time present the Annual Call for NGOs, disorganized youth groups and individuals, to apply and be able to integrate and co-create the content of the SI HUB.
Programme of the opening:
10.30-12.00 Official Opening and Information Workshop of the Annual Call for NGOs, Disorganized Youth Groups and Individuals
12.00-13.00 Workshop in cooperation with PUM-O – Memory Training Center
13.00-15.00 Workshop in cooperation with the Ljudska univerza Koper
15.00-16.00 Workshop in cooperation with the Career Center of the University of Primorska
A more detailed program will be revealed in the coming days.
Please confirm your participation until Monday, 9th of December 2019, on the link: